Application of Heterotopic Transplantation of Cryopreserved Placenta Tissue in Combined Treatment of Women with Nervous System Dysfunction at Hypoestrogeny Background


  • N. S. Lutsenko Zaporozhie Medical Academy of Post Diploma Education, Zaporozhie
  • A. V. Gritsaj Zaporozhie Regional Clinical Hospital, Zaporozhie
  • V. G. Karpenko Kharkov Medical Academy of Post Diploma Education, Kharkov


hypoestrogeny, nervous system, cryopreserved placenta tissue, hormonal homeostasis, mediator homeostasis


There were examined 62 women with dysfunction in nervous system on hypoestrogeny background. A comparative analysis of the efficiency of a combined treatment with cryopreserved placenta tissue (HTCPT) heterotopic transplantation and a traditional vascular therapy was carried out with studying the dynamics of subjective indices (in points) and the data of ultrasound Doppler scanning, hormonal and mediator homeostasis in patients under observation. The advantages of HTCPT in terms of correcting vegetative and psychoemotional disorders, estrogen concentration were noted. According to the data of investigation performed the HTCPT is a pathogenetically substantiated way for correcting the data of pathological states and can be used for cerebrovascular disease prevention.




How to Cite

Lutsenko, N. S., Gritsaj, A. V., & Karpenko, V. G. (2004). Application of Heterotopic Transplantation of Cryopreserved Placenta Tissue in Combined Treatment of Women with Nervous System Dysfunction at Hypoestrogeny Background. Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine, (3), 86–92. Retrieved from



Cryomedicine, Clinical and Experimental Transplantology