Parameters of Spectral Analysis of Heart Rate Variability in Rats
heart rate variability, spectral analysis, frequency ranges, ratsAbstract
The paper considers the synthesis and analysis of the reported data on the use of the parameters of spectral analysis when studying the heart rate variability (HRV) in rats. There were demonstrated the criteria for electrocardiographic equipment to perform studies in small mammals, substantiated the indices of duration of electrocardiogram (ECG) recording and indicated the necessity in stationary state of animals during ECG recording. When describing the ranges of spectral frequencies and data-based reports we suggested the parameters of HRV spectral analysis during 5-minute ECG recording in conscious rats such as: TP – 0.015–3 Hz; VLF – 0.015–0.04 Hz; LF – 0.05–0.79 Hz; HF – 0.8–3 Hz. The paper pointed to the need of performing extra-studies on the Mayer wave frequency, as well as the expediency of HRV spectral analysis together with respiration diagram recording. To clarify the parameters of spectral frequencies we recommended the findings comparing with the results of other research methods of HRV. The data of statistical processing of cardiointervalograms during ECG recording in unrestrained rats will enable to specify the selected parameters, accept a common protocol of HRV spectral analysis in this animal species and evaluate their vegetative status. Probl Cryobiol Cryomed 2015; 25(3):235-245.
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